How to Prepare For Your Treatment
To avoid excessive bleeding and poor color deposit please:
- Avoid alcohol and caffeine 1 day before procedure to minimize any oozing, bleeding or swelling.
- Do not take an aspirin or ibuprofen for pain relief (this thins the blood)
- Retinol/Retin-A/ ANTI AGING/ANTI ACNE/ENZYMES must be discontinued 4 weeks prior to procedure. (causes the skin to bleed) BUT MUST NEVER BE USED ON THE TATTOOED AREA AGAIN.
- Do not use any facial toners, or cleansers.
- Do not pick/tweeze/wax/ perform electrolysis one week before procedure
- Do not tan two weeks prior or have sunburned face
- Do not have any type of facial/peel 2 weeks prior to treatment
- Discontinue Vitamin A/Retinol products ASAP
- Do not work out the day of the procedure.
- Do not have neuromodulators 3 weeks prior
- Do not take Fish Oil or Vitamin E one week prior (natural blood thinners)
- Do not wax or tint your eyebrows 3 days before the procedure.
- Chemical peels and laser treatments may not be done within 60 days. before or after procedure.
- The use of Latisse® must be discontinued at least 3 months prior to your eyeliner procedure (it creates an inflammatory response, causes excess bleeding and prohibits the eyeliner from healing well).
- Sunburned or Suntanned skin is damaged skin and therefore will cause excessive bleeding. We CANNOT work on sunburned or suntanned skin.
- You cannot expose the area to the sun for 15 days before or after procedure.
- Do not schedule this procedure within one week prior to a water vacation.
- Stay out of steam rooms, saunas, hot yoga, swimming pool, etc. for one week following procedure.
- Avoid working out or sweating for 10-14 days post procedure. (sweat will prevent pigment from healing into the skin and we remove tattoos with saline, sweat is saline.)
- Do not take aspirin, ibuprofen, niacin, fish oil or vitamin E 3 days prior to procedure unless medically necessary.
- Avoid makeup on pigmented area for five days, including non-allergenic makeup. If you MUST wear makeup apply it around the area with clean fingers. Brushes and Blenders Harbor Bacteria. That is an infection waiting to happen.
If you’ve never had micro-pigmentation before, there are a lot of unknowns. One of the most common questions we’re asked is what to expect during the healing process. While every person is different and some heal more quickly or slowly than others, here’s generally what to expect. Temporary side effects from micro-pigmentation include but are not limited to: redness, swelling, puffiness, bruising, dry patches and tenderness.You should expect to lose approximately 1/3 of the initial color during the healing process. We have selected the optimal pigments for you with this in mind. In approximately six days it may appear too light. After about 10 days, the color will show more. It will appear softer when completely healed.
How to Take Care of Your Results
What To Expect
- Day 1 — I love them! I just need to get used to them!
- Day 2 — What have I done!? Why are they so dark?
- Day 4-7 — Ahh scabs! Must…Not…PICK.
- Day 8-10 — *slightly freaking out* My Brows are so light!
- Day 14-28 — Oh! The color is coming back. #GhostPhase
- After Touch Up — I’m obsessed! #TrustTheProcess
Aftercare Instructions
Please DO:
- Day 0 — Dab/blot brows with Golden pads every 30-60 mins until bed. This removes Lymphatic fluid that causes scabbing & is a very important step. After opening place pads in the resealable bag.
- Day 1-7 — Wash 1x per day with rice grain drop of soap from the clear tube. Wash in small circles. Rinse & let air dry or blot with paper towel. Repeat daily until scabs are gone.
- Day 8+ — You may apply rice grain amount of A&D after the 7th day if needed.
Please DO NOT:
- Use washcloth, pick or scratch
- Get your brows wet (as little as possible for 1 week)
- Do not put makeup on for 1 week
- No sweaty exercise or SUN for 1 week
- Do not use steam, sauna, or swim for 10 days
- IF bleeding, oozing, swelling or fever occur please seek medical attention asap!
What To Expect
- Day 1 — (right after my procedure) My lips feel a little swollen and tight.
- Day 2 — My lips are much darker and still feel swollen & dry but I don’t feel pain. Healing cream helps!
- Day 3-4 — The skin is flaking and scabbing and the color has faded substantially
- Day 5-6 — My lips feel almost normal. The flaking is almost gone.
- Day 7 — My lips have completely healed but the color is much lighter than after the procedure.
- After 4-6 Weeks — The color has come back nicely. There are some uneven spots. Time to schedule touch up.
Aftercare Instructions
- After the procedure, gently blot the area with a clean tissue every 5 minutes until the oozing has stopped.
- Keep the area dry for 24 hours
- Apply thin layer of ointment 3 times/day
- Do not use washcloth, pick or scratch tattooed area
- Do not use steam, sauna, swim for 10 days
- Do not put make up on tattoo area for 10 days.
- No heavy sweaty exercise for 1 week
- Avoid the SUN for 1 week
Further Advice
- After procedure use ice packs 3-4 times for 15 minute spurts in first day to reduce swelling
- Drink from a straw the first few days and avoid salty, spicy food
What To Expect
- Day 1 — Wow! They are nice, but lil dark and swollen
- Day 2 — My eyes are still swollen and the color is dark
- Day 3-4 — The swelling is gone and the color is flaking off. Gently washing my eyes feel great.
- Day 5-6 — My eyeliner is lighter and the color seem uneven in a few places
- Day 30 — Oh! The color is coming back. #GhostPhase
- After Touch Up — My eyeliner looks great!! I love them
Aftercare Instructions
Please DO:
- Keep the area dry for first 7 days
- Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for 3-4 weeks after procedure
- Avoid sleeping on your face for 10 days
- Avoid heavy sweating for 10 days
Please DO NOT:
- Use a washcloth, pick or scratch tattoo area
- Use steam, sauna, swim for 10 days. Try to keep liner as dry as possible
- Put makeup on tattoo area for 1 week – no eyeshadow or mascara
- Lash extensions or strips for 2 weeks & wait until after touch up to continue lash growth serums
- Do not use steam, sauna, or swim for 10 days
If you suspect an infection (bleeding, oozing, inflammation, fever) please seek medical attention asap
After your Scalp Micropigmentation treatment you must avoid:
- touching, showering, or shaving the treated area for a minimum of 4 days
- carrying out any activities that may cause excessive sweating.
- using a moisturizer, or shampoo, direct sunlight, swimming, sauna, or a steam room for 4 days
On your 5th day you should wash your head gently with cold water and baby shampoo.